Biharwe, Church Direction, and Service Times

Biharwe is found in the western part of Uganda. When you are coming to Biharwe from Kampala use Masaka road. From Kampala to Masaka it is 80 miles. From Kampala city to Mbarara city it is 240 miles. While traveling by local bus, it takes 6 hours drive. But when you are driving your own car, it takes 4.5 hours drive to reach Mbarara city. From Mbarara to Masaka it is 160 miles. Biharwe town is the only town with the gateway to Mbarara city. With the Booming cultural centre called Igongo within Biharwe town a long way to Mbarara city it takes about 30 minutes to reach Mbarara city. Meanwhile, our ministry Dorcas of Joppa International Ministries is found within the town centre of Biharwe. As a church it is called New Force Miracle Centre Church. As a ministry it is called Dorcas of Joppa International Ministries. It is located on the upper side of the road before reaching the check point where the bus stops in Biharwe. Or, when you are at the check point ask anyone about our church with the name above you will not get lost in Jesus name. About our service times, we have three services on Sunday. Very early in the morning on Sunday we have praying intercession service up to 10:00 am. From 10:00 am to 11:30 am, we have praise and worship service. From 11:30 am we have the main service with testimonies up to 1:30 pm. In the evening, from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm we have prayer gym clinic we call it Akuuna Muchezo catch the holy ghost fire. Meaning no more playing games, get the holy spirit fire.